MBUB001: Lets be friends - special friends! (17.12.2016)

Playlist - download (Rechtsklick -> Ziel speichern unter...)
Intro - You on Kazoo Trap Remix Bass und Besser Edit			
DJ Shadow - Blood on the Motorway - The Private Press - 00:02:58
John Frum - January Dub - Jahtari Vol. 1 - 00:05:05
Jacques Palminger - Tuedeldub - Tuedeldub Remixe - 00:07:07
James Blake - Limit to your Love - James Blake - 00:03:18
Dubblestandart - Chase the Devil feat. Lee Scratch Perry - Return From Planet Dub - 00:05:55
Dubblestandart - Chrome Optimism feat. David Lynch - Marijuana Dreams - 00:04:42
General Levy - Herb Herb Herb – Work Refix - 00:03:24
Roots Manuva - Witness Dub - Dub Come Save Me - 00:03:52
DVA - Worst (Sinjin Hawke Remix) - Take it all - 00:03:49
Schlachhofbronx - Blurred Vision - 00:04:52
Schlachhofbronx - Up - Rave and Romance - 00:04:53
Schlachhofbronx - Apizaco - Dirty Dancing - 00:04:18
Birdy Nam Nam - Abbesses - Birdy Nam Nam - 00:06:30
Zero 7 - Truth and Rights - Another Late Night: Zero 7 - 00:04:36